
 On-Page SEO Reviews & Updates 
 Off-Page SEO (Link Building & Local SEO) 
 Quarterly Keyword Analysis 
 5 Blog Posts Per Week 
 Buyer Persona Development Updated Quarterly 
 PPC Management & Remarketing (Google, Bing) 
 Social Media Account Customization & Publishing 
 Create and Manage Ads on Social Media Accounts 
 Ongoing Website Updates

 4 New Offers (ebook, guide, etc.) Per Year 
 ROI Assessment Per Campaign 
 4 New Call-To-Action & Landing / Thank You Pages Per Year 
 Social Media Updates & Monitoring

 Weekly Emails & Monthly E-Newsletter 
 Advanced Workflows / Lead Nurturing Campaigns 
 Monitoring & Crisis Response 
 Lead Management & Segmentation 
 HubSpot CRM Setup or CRM Salesforce Integration


 On-Page SEO Reviews & Updates 
 Off-Page SEO (Link Building & Local SEO) 
 Quarterly Keyword Analysis 
 3 Blog Posts Per Week 
 Buyer Persona Profiles 
 PPC Management (Google & Bing) 
 Social Media Account Customization & Publishing 
 Create and Manage Ads on Social Media Accounts 
 Website Support & Maintenance

 4 New Offers (ebook, guide, etc.) Per Year 
 ROI Assessment Per Campaign 
 4 New Call-To-Action & Landing / Thank You Pages Per Year 

 Bi-Weekly Emails & Monthly E-Newsletter 
 Workflow / Lead Nurturing Campaign 
 Lead Management & Segmentation 
 HubSpot CRM Setup 
 CRM Salesforce Integration 

Monthly Service Packages

Do you want to grow your business?

We'll help you grow your business through inbound marketing - by building your online presence so your ideal clients will find you, nurturing visitor engagement, and converting your prospects to clients.

We offer a variety of packages to meet your business' needs, including content curation, lead nurturing, email campaigns, development of effective calls-to-action, and much more. We manage your campaigns to produce results and communicate compelling messaging for your buyer personas, resulting in business growth and ROI (return on investment).


 On-Page SEO Reviews & Updates 
 Quarterly Keyword Analysis 
 2 Blog Posts Per Week 
 Buyer Persona Profiles 
 Social Media Account Customization & Publishing 
 Website Support & Maintenance 

 2 New Offers (ebook, guide, etc.) Per Year 
 ROI Assessment Per Campaign 
 2 New Call-To-Action & 2 Landing / Thank You Pages Per Year

  1 Lead Nurturing Email Per Month

 CRM Salesforce Integration